Will You Continue to Work From Home This Year? - Urban Union Ltd


2021 – The year of working from home!

Last year was challenging for most of us, but with the vaccine rollout in full force, we could soon start to get back some much-needed normality. One of the changes that many of us have experienced is home working – either full or part time – and it appears that many people will continue to work from home especially as we have all adapted to this way of working. Zoom meetings have replaced in-person meetings and people are able to work longer hours when not having to travel to and from work. Many companies have now embraced the benefits to both themselves and their employees in allowing staff members to work from home either full or part time.

As a result of this change in lifestyle, demand for homes with an extra bedroom are in high demand and many people are looking for ways to create a home office within their home. Recent reports stated that having a home office shed in your garden can boost the value of your home by as much as £12,000.

A place to work

It’s important to set up a quiet dedicated area otherwise you could find it’s a difficult balance trying to cut off from your personal life when in the home.

Think carefully about an area to set aside for home working. Some people work well with the radio or television on and some need complete quiet. If you have space restrictions then look at the space you do have – could you clear an area on your dining table, use a dressing or console table, clear out the under stairs area or even transform your shed? Anywhere could be a possibility as long as it makes you feel comfortable and the space is functional.

Furniture and office equipment

Make sure that you pay attention to a good office chair that is both comfortable and comfortable. You’ll be spending hours sitting on it and you need to take care of your posture to avoid any problems in the future. Look also at where you position your printer, computer screen and anything else you may need. If you have a laptop, consider getting a monitor so that you are looking ahead rather than downwards to avoid putting pressure on your neck and spine. This may help you to calculate the correct height of your desk and chair: https://www.blitzresults.com/gb/ergonomic/. Make sure you also have all the office equipment you need along with suitable storage so that the area can be left clean and tidy.

Give your area some personality

One of the best things about working from home is that you can personalize the space without any restrictions! Use your favourite photographs and pictures, add colourful plants, or go crazy on cushions and colours – there is no office policy other than yours.


It’s essential that your space is well-lit to avoid straining your eyes if you are doing anything off-line. Use a good quality lamp and if you have natural light try and maximise this.

Keep it tidy

Tidy work area, tidy mind! Make sure you clear away any cables using the DIY solutions available and make sure all paperwork is tidy and use paper trays to organise your documents. There are also some very small and compact filing cabinets available.

Setting up a home office doesn’t need to be daunting or expensive especially as it could be temporary.