Make Your Move Stress Free
Moving is one of the most stressful things you can do in your life but there are things you can do to make it easier to handle.
Preparation is key
Once you know you’re moving home it’s important to use the time wisely to plan and prepare for moving day. It will help to avoid a stressful last minute rush and any oversights that could cost time and money.
A few months to go
If you still have a couple of months before the move, it’s a good idea to create a checklist of things to do.
Book your removals company straight away, especially if you’re moving in a peak time such as summer or Easter holidays. Get quotes and decide whether you will benefit from additional services such as packing and unpacking. Work out how many boxes you will need and talk to your removals company about where to get hold of these as they may provide them. Ensure you also have packing tape, bubble wrap and suitable boxes for clothes, files, valuables etc.
Let all relevant companies know that you are moving home – this includes your bank, DVLA, insurance and healthcare provider, friends and family and Royal Mail. Consider also using the redirection service to keep your personal information secure and to enable you to see which companies haven’t updated your new address.
If you have pets, moving can be very stressful for them. Find out how to make the transition as smooth as possible and consider getting them cared for during the days you’re moving.
Talk to your broadband and utilities providers and make sure you shop around for the best deals in your new home if you don’t have to take the contract with you.
Look at what belongings you need to get rid of and order new furniture if required. Now is a great time to declutter and get rid of anything you don’t want to take with you.
A few weeks to go
With just a few weeks to go make sure you have planned where your removals company can park both at the property you’re moving from and the one you’re going to. Book any time off work required and find out if there are any parking restrictions or permits required.
A few days to go
With just a few days until you move, find a place to store boxes so you aren’t climbing over them. Start with one room at a time – beginning with the room you use the least.
Pack the non-essentials first and as you pack the items record the contents in an inventory and, if possible, fasten this to the box.
With just a day to go before y9ou move, keep your essentials separate and within easy reach. These include toiletries, any medication required, moving paperwork, devices and chargers, clean sheets, toilet roll, cash, keys, kettle and cups, drinks and snacks. Keep these with you rather than give them to the removals company.
Once you’re in your new home it’s time to unpack. Start with the essential items and take your time. Make sure you take meter readings straight away and contact utilities companies.