construction assessment Archives - Urban Union Ltd

Urban Union commended excellent in Considerate Constructor’s Scheme


Hamiltonhill Housing Development receives top marks in Code of Considerate Practice

We’re delighted to say that following its first visit by The Considerate Constructor’s Scheme, Hamiltonhill Living has been marked as excellent for all three assessment categories in the 2023 CCS Digital Checklist.

A great achievement for all involved, it’s excellent to see that Urban Union team members have adopted our mindset re community and the environment and that they also regard Urban Union as a good employer.

Read on to find out more about the assessment of our Hamiltonhill housing development.


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What is the Considerate Constructor’s Scheme?

The aim of the Considerate Constructor’s Scheme is to raise standards and build public trust in the construction industry. All registered sites are assessed periodically against the requirements of the Code of Considerate Practice.

The three main assessment categories include respect for the community, care for the environment and value for the workforce.


affordable housing development given top marks in construction assessment

How did Urban Union perform during the assessment?

Of the total 45 marks available, our Hamiltonhill housing development achieved 100% on the entire review.

During our own assessment a wide-ranging and comprehensive in-person discussion took place with the on-site team at Hamiltonhill Living, which the assessor regarded as “particularly valuable” and allowed them to confirm that the site is performing at sustained levels of conformance across all areas of the CCS Code Checklist.


Respect for the local community (15/15 marks)

Respect for the community was rated excellent due to the positive relationships which have been established with immediate project neighbours, schools, colleges, community, business, and local worthy causes. The project team have engaged well with local people and supported a wide range of based initiatives, engagement with local schools and the promotion of local business and charitable fund-raising activities.

Recent projects have included donation of Easter Eggs to Ardoch Nursery and Happitots Nursery, Robroyston, as well as helping local football club Rossvale FC 2018’s to get their first kits through a donation of £180. This was all funded through donations gathered on site by staff.


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Care for the environment (15/15 marks)

In the second category we were also marked as excellent regarding protection for the environment. This was due to our systematic approach to the management, measurement and communication of the site’s waste. It was commented that the site team has done “particularly well” to engage the supply chain in planning and monitoring carbon reductions against KPIs. All of which is part of a concerted programme to reduce emissions and to align with Robertson Group’s NetZero 2030 commitment.

We are actively promoting our ‘environmental achievements’ to the workforce and public via dedicated notice boards, which was welcomed by the assessor.


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Value their workforce (15/15 marks)

And finally, in regards to the workforce, the site was also seen to engage well with all revised workforce section criteria and it was commented that “the specific Modern Slavery training for the operative workforce is commendable.”

Huge congratulations again to Laura Doherty (Site Manager) and the entire team at Hamiltonhill Living for all their efforts at this latest development.