A green home is a happy home | energy efficiency | Urban Union Ltd

Over lockdown and restrictions, we all spent a lot more time at home. This increased our household bills – and as of October 1st the price of fuel has risen again. Although we are all being given a grant of £66 per month during the winter months, our bills have still increased. With that in mind, here are some things you can do to keep your bills down now and in the future.

Energy Efficient Homes

By living in an energy-efficient home you can save a great deal of money on your fuel bills. By investing in a new, highly efficient home, your utility bills will be kept at a minimum without having to undertake expensive upgrades. All newly built homes are highly energy efficient and will save you a huge amount on your bills compared to an older property.

Nice day? Keep your blinds and curtains open

An easy change which we often overlook is to make the most of the sun’s heat and let natural light into your home. Not only will it reduce the need for electric lighting, you’ll be surprised how much the sun will keep your home warm even if it’s cold outside. This could save around 60% on your bills compared to lighting and heating your home on a good day.

Check light bulbs

By replacing standard lightbulbs with energy-efficient alternatives you could save up to 75% on your energy bill. They use a fraction of the energy compared to normal light bulbs.

Turn off radiators

If you have occasionally used or unused rooms in your house such as a guest bedroom, formal dining room or snug, consider turning off the radiators in those rooms and closing the doors. This will cut down your bills by around 30%. You can also purchase individual radiator thermostats so that you only use the heat that you need and aren’t heating rooms that are rarely used.

Don’t block the radiator

We often push furniture against radiators, but by having something like a sofa pressing up against it, the heat goes into the furniture and not the room. You need a space or around six inches between the radiator and anything close to it so the heat can circulate. This can save about 10% on your energy bill.

Move seating away from external walls

If you are sitting near an external wall, you are more likely to feel the cold in your home and put up the heating. Try and arrange furniture against internal walls and


The problem with a conservatory is that it can be too cold in the winter and very hot in the summer – if this room isn’t being used, make sure that you keep the doors closed when it’s cold outside and if you do have a mainly sunny day in the autumn or spring when you would use the heating, open the adjoining doors. It’s also advisable in winter to put a curtain between the two rooms, and you could look at installing a roof to regulate the temperature.