What Does Tier 4 Mean For The Scottish Property Market? - Urban Union Ltd


Moving Home During Tier 4 Restrictions

As several areas of Scotland enter into Tier 4 restrictions on November 20th, the highest level, it has been made clear that all aspects of house moves are permitted to continue, provided they are carried out safely. Here at Urban Union this means that we can still take property renovations and hand over keys to new owners. In addition, you can move from one tier to another for the purpose of moving home.

Help to Buy Schemes

At present the applications for the First Home Fund are on hold, but the Scottish Government has confirmed that they plan to reopen applications in the new year for purchases to be completed in the 2021/2022 financial year. Help to Buy (Scotland) is still running and you can purchase an Urban Union property using this scheme.

Moving home

House moves can go ahead as long as they are done safely but if any member of either household has symptoms of COVID-19 or has been asked to self-isolate by track and trace, the move must be delayed for at least two weeks. Two or more households are able to combine for the purposes of moving for example for a house or flat share but once you have formed the new household you must comply with guidance on the current restrictions in terms of meeting up with other households.

Property viewings

Property viewings must be done virtually at the first instance and only in person when you are seriously considering making an offer.  Urban Union properties, for example the two remaining apartments at Muirton, are unoccupied this makes the process simpler with just a clean required between viewings required. If you wish to visit our sales cabin or view a property this must be done by appointment only and only if you have no symptoms or have not been asked to self isolate.

Property valuations

If you are considering selling your existing home, you are permitted to have an estate agent in your home to provide a valuation and also to take video footage or photographs and measure for the floorplan. All parties should adhere to government guidance on hand washing, social distancing and respiratory hygiene. You may also wish to consider wearing a face covering. Surveyors are now permitted to go to properties for the purpose of completing a Home Report. This remains the case following the new tier approach implemented on 2nd November, provided it can be done safely. Surveyors are also permitted to enter your property in order to produce the Home Report.

Solicitors and estate agents

Solicitors, mortgage brokers and lenders are all open during all tiers but with visits from the public only available by appointment only.


Land and Building Transaction Tax (the equivalent of Stamp Duty) has been raied from £145,000 to £250,000 until 31st March 2021. This means that residential property transactions where the purchase price is under £250,000, and to which the Additional Dwelling Supplement (ADS) does not apply, will attract no LBTT.


You are still able to apply for a mortgage but you may want to talk about your options with a mortgage broker to find out what deals are available and how much deposit you will require to secure a mortgage.

Selling a property

If you have a property to sell, you must ensure that when a potential buyer views your home they only visit with one other member of their household and open viewings are not permitted. Between viewings you must clean surfaces and door handles and, if possible, open windows. Make sure that social distancing is carried out by all parties and that the agent carries out the viewing.

If you are interested in buying a new home, talk to us at Urban Union.