When You Move Into Your New Home - Urban Union Ltd


Moving Home

Moving home is a stressful time and it’s easy to forget everything you need to do. That’s why we have put together this short guide to remind you of the main things that you need to do before you can relax and settle into your new home!

Once you have the keys and have moved in, there are lots of things that you need to do to make the transition as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Postal Redirect

It’s easy to forget to redirect your post, but it’s essential you do this well in advance as it can take some time to set up and verify before your post is redirected. Make sure you get this redirected for a decent amount of time remembering that some companies will only send an annual summary or statement. You have to pay a fee for the service but it’s invaluable when you can’t remember all of the organisations that need your new details.

Television licence

If you have already paid for your TV Licence then you can transfer it to your new address. If you need a new licence consider whether you will use it as you can use streaming services such as Netfix without one. Remember you only need one per household so if you are moving in with a partner make sure you aren’t doubling up.


Check what services are available in your home – you may be able to arrange superfast broadband and there are usually some very attractive offers for new customers. If you already have an account with Sky, TalkTalk, BT, Virgin or another provider talk to them about moving the account to your new home. Also check that your phone provider has sufficient coverage in your new area – if they don’t, you should be able to change to a new provider without a fee. It’s important to plan ahead for this as you may have to wait a few weeks for a service at your new home and this can be particularly challenging if you work from home or rely on the Internet to stream your TV service.

Council Tax

This must be a priorty. Talk to your council to finalise your bill and set up your new address, paying from your move-in date. The amount you pay will depend on your council tax band which may well change when you move. This is something that should have been outlined when you were considering buying the property. Start with the local council website and remember to change your details on the electoral register as failure to do this can affect your credit score.


Gas and electricity are essentials especially here in Scotland. Take meter readings when you leave your old property and take new readings as soon as you arrive at your new home. You should be able to stay with the same provider if you are on a good tariff.

Doctor, dentist, vet

There may be a waiting list to join your local surgery so do this as soon as you know you are moving – you may need to do this in person. Don’t forget about your pets too!


Your buildings insurance is likely to have been arranged when you took out your mortgage as a condition of purchase, but make sure you have sufficient contents insurance and talk to your insurer about other benefits they may offer such as emergency and legal cover which can be invaluable. Don’t go for the cheapest policy but the one that has the best cover for you.